Monique Jalbert

Team SUF

I’ve been a part of fitness in some form since the ‘90’s. I’ve run a marathon, a 36 hour relay race from Canada back to New Hampshire. I’ve competed in WBNF and OCB as well as Fitness America. I’m a certified personal trainer and I am the General Manager of the very first Planet Fitness. I am 56 years young and a mother of two and a grandmother of two grandsons. I have always been very fortunate and want to give back to the less fortunate. Even if it’s a small part. This year I will be raising money for my local food pantry. Please help me make a difference!!!

Charity: New Durham NH Food Pantry

State: New Hampshire

Top Donation: $25.00

Total Donations: 1

Donation Average: $25.00

Total Raised To Date: $25.00


Donor Comments

Monique Jalbert

Posted 10/18/2023 1:24 am
